How We Help

Client Experience

Providing the right combination of personal touch and technology

We get to know our clients closely and thrive on providing responsive, personal service while also offering the latest technology to ensure an exceptional client experience.

Financial Planning

Helping you get from where you are to where you want to be

We will develop a personalized financial plan to help keep you on track and  bring your aspirations to life.

Financial Planning

Investment Management

Focusing on the long term and staying disciplined

The Glassy Mountain Advisors investment philosophy rests on the time-tested and proven principles of value investing, including a focus on purchasing undervalued securities and typically owning them for many years.

Investment Management

Management Process

The process starts with a full review of your unique financial situation, goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, and other factors to determine the best target asset allocation for your portfolio.1

We then build a specialized portfolio of equities and income investments tailored to your needs.

Investment Approach

Focused and diversified

Focused and Diversified Equities Portfolios1

Individual securities complemented by funds

30-35 positions from most or all industry sectors

income strategy

Broad Income Strategy

Holdings across multiple asset classes, including bonds and equities

Target higher yields than typical fixed income portfolio

minimization of taxes

Tax Efficiency

Purchase of each security in the optimal type of account

Strategic use of losses to offset taxable gains


Funds-Only Options

Portfolios comprised of only mutual funds and exchange-traded funds for certain situations2

Ability to tailor holdings based on criteria related to environmental and societal impact issues

Our Process



Detailed analysis of current financial picture and objectives



Collaborative development of a personalized investment strategy



Creation of your unique financial plan



Consistent and open communication through regular reports and meetings



Ongoing monitoring and adjustments based on evolving goals